THE Mayor of Palma, Catalina Cirer, and the deputy mayor of Citizen Security, Traffic and Transport, Alvaro Gijon, yesterday visited the work on the underground car park in the Calle General Riera. This will give the area 199 parking spaces for residents and the ground above will be converted into a new park for the area. Palma council has given a budget of 4'943'497.40 euros for the work, which started in February and is expected to be completed at the end of the year. The car park is expected to be opened in January. The Mayor said that, with this work, the council is trying to alleviate one of the problems of parking in the area and, at the same time, to offer a service to the residents. The Mayor, who repeated that the residents would be able to buy parking spaces, (which is something new) highlighted the importance of a public area offering a service to the residents of a zone which is full of schools and families. She also said that she was pleased that this is one of the works which has not been delayed and if the planned deadline is met then it will be opened in January.