Palma.—Tourists visiting Andraitx now have their own police force in case they run into trouble or need any assistance during their holiday.
The Tourist Attention Police Service (SPAT) was officially unveiled this week and Local Police chiefs from other municipalities of the island were present to study the possibility of creating a similar force in their areas.

The service was created a month ago to improve the quality of life of tourists during their stay in the area by working closely with them in order to avoid accidents, reduce the number of crimes and provide them with assistance if and when needed. “The plan is to help tourists not feel isolated and hopeless when something bad happens,” said the local police chief Jose Molina. Tourists can now make a complaint on the spot instead of having to go to the police station.

Police officers are also prepared to provide psychological assistance or direct them to social services.
Police training is being provided by the Public Service Balearics School (Escuela Balear de Funcion Publica) and 105 applications have already been received to take part on the course which only has 90 places.

Those accepted on the course will receive language, road safety and quick decision making training.
Government officials said they “hope” the service will be extended to other areas of the Balearics, and pointed out the willingness of the police in taking part in the project.