LAST Thursday was the second occasion of a business promotion campaign running to the end of the summer in Palma and traders' associations said yesterday that it appears to be becoming increasingly popular. “Palma Thursday Night Fever!” has been signed up to by the Balearic Business Federation (Afedeco), the Majorcan Restaurant Association, and Palma Hoteliers. As on the first Thursday of the campaign, the greatest number of shops which chose to stay open, and by default the largest groups of late-night strollers and customers, were to be found down Calle San Miquel and calle Jaume II. Both streets, lined on both sides from start to finish with all manner of shops were thronged after 10 o'clock at night in the same way as they would be during a working week day. In contrast, there were other areas of the city where traders had chosen not to join the promotion and close as per their normal timetable which meant there was little activity in the streets. This was very much the case with calle Colom.