AN underground roadway on the Paseo Marítimo will be the subject of a technical study financed by the Balearic government to the tune of one million euros. Government spokesperson Joan Flaquer, made the announcement yesterday in Palma, following Thursday's meeting of the Balearic Executive.
The plan, which aims to redesign access routes to Palma from the Ringroad to the Sa Riera torrent (water course), is one of the “priorities” of the new Balearic government under the leadership of Jaume Matas, explained Flaquer. The decision was made at the request of the Ministry for Public Works. Separately, the Ministry has also proposed the contracting of technical assistance, within a budget of 284'000 euros, in order to obtain accurate and up-to-date geological information prior to commencement of works on other sections of the Islands' highways. Another of the points on which the Balearic government had agreed, furthered Flaquer, was to consult with an Economic and Social Advisory Council, on the decreed use and level of knowledge of, the Catalan language in government. It was hoped that details could be approved at the next meeting of the Balearic Executive. Developing this theme and as a reply to a question on the planned future creation of a bi-lingual television channel for the Islands, the spokesman argued that the Balearic cabinet believes that the existence of the two official languages of the province provides “cultural diversity”. He added that the Executive maintains a commitment to the “promotion and encouragement” of Catalan.