Palma.—The Balearics is the region of the country where the highest number of foreigners opened businesses in June this year . The claim made in a government report yesterday supports research that it is in the Islands where the greatest number of immigrants are starting their own firms.

Figures for June reveal that it is in the Balearics where business activity on the part of foreigners is most on the increase with an additional 460 registered with local authorities, followed at a distance by Andalucia (+150) and Madrid (+106).

For the same month, the government report shows that there were 14'580 foreigners registered as self-employed in the Balearics.
Increases were recorded in all areas of economic activity including constructionwith an extra 62 foreigners established in the industry. In commerce a further 853 foreigners had found work, 34 in transport and 695 in hostelry.

However, when compared to figures for the past year, findings show that there have been 2'845 jobs lost by foreigners in the construction industry. But in Commerce, it's a different story as the number of foreigners employed in this sector has increased by 5'390, in Transport, the longer term upward trend has confirmed 373 more foreigners and a further 2'283 over the past year in Hostelry.

It is of significance that nearly 29 percent of all workers in the Commerce sector in the Balearics are foreigners whilst they account for more than 20 percent of all employees in Hostelry.

The Chinese continue to lead the upturn in the foreign workforce.