CALVIA will scrap the ORA (restricted parking) service from Monday, following an agreement which has the concession, Park Control Medi Ambient.
This move has enabled the ruling coalition of the Popular Party (PP) and Majorcan Union (UM) not only to fulfil an election promise but also a popular demand. But while there will be no parking restrictions from Monday, Park Control will still operate the car tow service which will save the town council some 360'607 euros due to the fact that it will assume all the costs of the tow truck. In order to redeem the concession, the Calvia council has had to agree to pay Park Control Medi Ambient 1.41 million euros over four years.
This figure was finally agreed on in mid-August and is lower than that which was originally proposed to cancel the contract as Park Control Medi Ambient had earlier demanded 1.5 million euros in compensation. The ORA system was introduced by the Calvià Town Council on 27 May, 2002 and covered Illetes, Portals Nous, Magalluf, Palmanova, Santa Ponsa and Peguera.
The system was never popular with residents, and tourists found it confusing but it had the full backing of the previous council.
The conservatives made banning it one of the main promises in their electoral campaign.