Joan Collins VARIOUS public institutions, emergency organisations and companies such as Gesa Endesa (the power company) and EMAYA (the Water Board) have during the last few weeks finalised their emergency plans of action to avoid damage caused by flooding as September heralds the start of the so-called rainy season. This is a situation which the Balearic Government will try to address with the activation of their “Plan Inunbal” (Balearic Flooding Plan) from Friday. During the last few weeks the Emergencies Department has stepped up its meetings to prepare for the application of this emergency plan, which was prepared by the Balearic Ministry of the Interior in preparation to combat the flooding risk which could be caused by heavy rain during the next few months. The heads of the region's Emergency services were present at meetings to discuss the Plan's procedures, which are dependent of the forecasts from the Balearic Meteorological Institute. It was because of this that the Inunbal programme was put into action last year one week before normal, in accordance with the weather forecast. A spokesperson for the Balearic Meteorological Centre, Miquel Gaya, said that the intense heat experienced in July is “one more ingredient” which could precipitate fierce rainfall but, he added, it is not a “determining factor” as there are many other factors to be taken into consideration. The factors determining the generation of torrential rain, he continued, are very cold temperatures at high level in the atmosphere, together with the heating up of the water due to high temperatures, and a lot of humidity. The power company Gesa Endesa is preparing for the possible incidence of storms, and will increase the number of its staff who are normally on duty from 60 to 80. These people will be available 24 hours a day to rectify “in a few minutes” any disruption to the supply on the islands. Gesa's spokesperson, Joan Mayans, said that this increase in staff would be maintained during the months of Autumn, and explained that they are working in collaboration with the Balearic Ministry for the Environment who provide them with a “lightning map” after a storm. This helps them to make repairs in the places which have been affected by this phenomenon. EMAYA, for their part, will clean 23'500 drains. This is a task which they undertake periodically, intensifying it at this time of year.