“This could mean the end of long queues at immigration” said Kate Mentinkyesterday. photo: mdb files | T. AYUGA


The President of the association Europeans for Spain, (Epore) Kate Mentink and the President of the Balearic government’s Commission for European Affairs, Francisca Bennassar, have been locked in a wave of talks with Palmer over the issue of making the resident permit process easier and it appears that they have finally made a breakthrough.
Mentink told the Bulletin yesterday that after months of negotiations, Palmer has taken on board the problems faced by European Union residents moving to the Balearics and has agreed to do what ever she can at local level to improve the system.
Mentink explained that Palmer has agreed to introduce a system by which people call the immigration centre to make an appointment so they will no longer have to spend hours queuing up. “She (Palmer) has agreed to that and is already working on it,” Mentink said.