Joan Collins HOTELS in the town of Soller have during the tourist season had an occupation of around 90 percent, thanks mainly to German, British and Spanish tourists. It is expected that this occupation will continue to be high throughout September. The President of the Soller Hoteliers Association, Miquel Frontera, said he was “satisfied” with the high occupation figures during this Summer, although he highlighted that the construction of the Sa Mola tunnel, “has caused us problems as we have had to put up with a lot of noise”. Frontera, who confirmed that none of the 12 hotels in his Association offered “all inclusive” packages, explained that the outlook for the month of September is “good”, although he did not venture to say anything about the month of October. With regard to the state of the beaches in the Port of Soller, he said that this year “they are perfect”. According to the figures released by Soller's two Tourism Offices (in the port and the centre), from April to the end of July most of the visitors were German, a total of 11'898. April was the month which had most German visitors, totalling 4'448. This figure fell in July to 2'263, but is expected to rise again in September as Germans return to Soller. British tourists are next for being the most prolific visitors to Soller. A total of 7'160 British citizens visited this year, May being the month when most of them came. On the other hand, 3'161 Spanish tourists visited Soller in comparison with 2'006 French tourists. In total, the town of Soller has been visited by 26'671 tourists from April to the end of July. The majority of them were from Europe. The information brochures most asked for by tourists were those in English and German. The most frequently sought information by tourists was information about excursions, tram fares, taxi fares, and information about Majorca's beaches.