By Humphrey Carter

THE Mayor of Palma, Aina Calvo, and the central government delegate to the Balearics, Ramon Socias, were yesterday warned by Playa de Palma retail and tourism chiefs that the crime wave along the Playa de Palma is spiraling out of control.

The Association of Retailers and Tourism Services (ACOTUR) wants both Calvo, who is responsible for the Local Police and Socias, whose remit includes the state security forces such as the National Police and the Guardia Civil, to take immediate action to crackdown on crime in the area amidst fears that the situation could reach a flash point.

According to ACOTUR, a local retailer whose store was robbed Sunday, was this week the victim of a barrage of abuse and threats from the criminal's family.

On Sunday morning, the assailant apparently walked into the mini-mart in calle Padre Bartolome Salva - alias calle del Jamon - and apparently assaulted one of the employees in an attempt to grab the money from the cash till.

However, neighbouring store holders, aware of what was happening, quickly called the police who managed to catch the thief on the premises, subdue and arrest him.

However, the store owner, his family and staff fear for their personal welfare following the series of threats they have apparently received from the detainee's family.

Tensions have been running high all summer along the Playa de Palma and in Arenal, a little further along the strip.
The Guardia Civil has recently launched a severe crackdown on crime in Arenal following a string of complaints from tourists and Playa de Palma residents and business people want to see the same action taken in their resort.

ACOTUR is hoping to hold meetings with both Calvo and Socias over the coming weeks because its members fear that the problem is going to persist over the winter and is not necessarily related to the tourist industry.

The business sector is also angry that, despite the network of close-circuit television cameras being installed along the strip, crime has continued to rise in the holiday resort as have complaints about security and safety.