STAFF REPORTER FROM the start of next week, residents and visitors in Inca will be able to park free of charge. Local Partido Popular (PP) Mayor Pere Rotger is to give instructions to the O.R.A. parking management company which finished its contract in June this year, to withdraw all its ticket machines from the central streets of the town.

Rotger came to the decision after a proposal from the Socialists in opposition on Inca town council that traffic circulation studies need to be undertaken to ensure smooth movement of vehicles through Inca, something that had previously been obstructed by O.R.A: parking control practices.

All political parties on the council agreed at yesterday's plenary session to cooperate with the Local Police in finding the best solution but Rotger did not discount reintroducing parking charges in certain areas of the town at a later date.

Because of widespread building work going on in Inca, some 350 street parking places have been eliminated, a fact which the O.R.A. had complained of over a year ago, saying that their services were now “superfluous to requirements.”