THE “La Gruta” Residents' Association in Es Molinar and the Partido Popular's Llevant district branch have denounced Palma City Council over an infestation of rats on a plot of waste ground in calle Llucmajor. The residents claim that the same ground is also used by the destitute as a place from which to sell drugs.

People living in properties adjacent to the waste ground have expressed their concern over the filthiness of the site and their fear that disease from the rats and the mal-practice of drug selling might have adverse affects on surrounding areas.

Local people, increasingly alarmed at the filfth and unsightliness of the waste ground, appealed to the residents' association to act on their behalf.

Representatives recently visited the site and were able to see for themselves how the ground and its border areas were in a total state of abandonment. One spokesman claimed the site was full of rubbish, waste material, excrement and where rats were flourishing and growing to “the size of rabbits.”

The next stage was for the residents' association to lodge an official complaint with the City Council, demanding that the Health department make an inspection of the site and that the owner of the ground be made to clear it up. Because the site is also periodically used by the destitute for selling drugs, the residents' association has asked that the Local Police look into the matter.