Argentine community is now the second largest


THE Balearic Federation of the Casa Argentina announced on Monday that the Argentine community on the islands has reached 19'935 people.
This makes the Argentinian community the second biggest on the islands after the Germans.
In fact the number of Germans resident on the Balearics is 26'966 and, after the Argentinians, the third most numerous are the Moroccans with 17'011, according to figures from the National Institute for Statistics (INE) for 2006. There are an estimated 16'000 Britons in the Balearics. According to the INE's statistics, the Moroccans are followed by Ecuadorians with 13'477 people. Next come the Colombians with 9'017, and then the Bolivians with 3'732. The Chinese follow the Bolivians with 2'757 people.