“Spain must have change”


Madrid.—”The only solution to the dire economic situation the country finds itself in is a change of government at the general elections in November,” Balearic President José Ramon Bauza said yesterday in Madrid.

Bauza, who had been attending the national Partido Popular Congress, added that the road to economic recovery is going to be a long and hard one.
The President said that the Partido Popular is now committed to a change in the direction of traditional politics to assume its role of “great responsibility”. Nothing about the harsh reality of the country's finances will “ever” be hidden from the people of the country, claimed Bauza.

He furthered that it was clear to the majority of people in Spain that the country was not living its best moment and to try and conceal any facts , as he alleged the Socialists had done, would be “pure folly”.

Election agenda
The Party Congress was led yesterday by Partido Popular (PP) opposition leader Mariano Rajoy. He, and other party heavyweights focused on forging the strategy for the coming national elections to be held on 20th November.

Bauza was accompanied by other key PP figures from the Balearics including the Mayor of Calvia, Manuel Onieva, and the regional party General Secretary Miquel Ramis.

Bauzá said that if the Socialists were to regain power under Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba who is taking over from the current Spanish Prime Minister, José Luís Rodriguez Zapatero, the country's ills would not be solved. Bauza claimed that Rubalcaba is following in the “exact footsteps” of his predecessor.

The President said that like other regions around the country, the Balearics is already applying a policy of austerity as part of an economic rescue package.

When the PP get into power, said Bauza, the same overhaul of public financing will be introduced. “But,” he continued, “whatever the political colours in Madrid, the Balearics will continue to give support to small businesses, to rein in public spending, to reinforce already-existing laws and encourage national and international investment.