Outraged British mother fears that Council cuts will hit daughter’s eduction

The award winning centre in Manacor. | J.SOCIES


Over 35 disabled children on the island face at least a year without classes after the Council of Majorca cut their school transport grant.
Amongst these children is the daughter of Criana Vernon, a 37 year old British mother, who moved to the Balearics 17 years ago and now resides in Sa Coma.
She contacted the Bulletin yesterday as a last resort fearing for her daughter’s future, explaining that the children go to a special education school in Manacor, APROSCOM, a non profit organisation founded in 1969 with the purpose of helping these children, but since 2011 the Council of Majorca refuses to help them due to spending cuts.
Until recently the Council had funded a specially adapted bus to take the children to school.