Greater help for elderly British residents in Spain



BRITISH Minister for Consular Affairs Chris Bryant MP yesterday unveiled the latest step in the British Government's help package for older British people living in Spain in Madrid.

As well as information roadshows, advice surgeries, and dedicated Department for Work and Pensions/Department of Health staff in consulates, a new partnership between the British Consular network, Age UK and Age Concern España will help spread information and assistance further.

British residents will be able to benefit from a revamped full-time telephone information line provided by Age Concern España, Age UK and the British Consular service. A new country casework manager will have a range of responsibilities including ensuring that over 50 volunteer caseworkers in Spain are properly trained, and increasing the number of caseworkers to around 100.

This partnership is being established in recognition of the vulnerable situation that an increasingly larger group of older British residents in Spain are facing. The three agencies will provide a co-ordinated response to help older British nationals in Spain, including making sure they are getting help that's available from the Spanish state.