Council of Majorca warns of drastic cuts



Palma.—Speaking at the Teatro Principal in Palma on Monday evening, Salom said that the previous leadership of the Island Council had “gone too far” in terms of public spending and because of that, it would now be essential to introduce austere measures. “It's the only way that the Council can be useful to the public it serves,” said Salom.

Salom's speech to gathered dignitaries was littered with references to King Jaume II whose death seven centuries ago is being honoured this year on Majorca. “If we all pull together, and get rid of duplications in government posts and budgets, I feel convinced we will emerge from the crisis that dogs the region,” said Salom. She described the Council of Majorca as a “poor institution” and that whilst she was not interested in accumulating power and wealth, she was fervently committed to improving the lives of people in the Balearics. She said that all-year-round tourism would go a long way to helping the region out of economic difficulties and pointed to the advantages of the Tramuntana mountains having been listed as a World Heritage Site and the wealth of historic, religious and cultural heritage possessed by the Islands.

Those individuals and organisations being awarded for services to the Balearic Community on Monday included Tumi Bestard, the former U.S. Consular Agent, the Blood Donors Association of Majorca, and the film maker Agusti Villaronga.