Palma.—A report by an online hotel price research organisation, has revealed that the average price of a room in the Balearics during the first half of this year has dropped by 5 percent in comparison with the same period in 2010.

For the period under review a hotel room in the Islands cost an average of 88 euros per night, 3 euros more than the national average. At a national level, said, prices also dropped between January and July this year compared to the first six months of 2010. were clear in their assessment of tourism this year that it has been 2011 when the international political arena has had the most impact on the industry. In Spain, however, the country's main tourist resorts, including those in the Balearics have benefited from visitors who might otherwise have gone to North Africa for their holidays.

Diego Lofeudo, Director of, said that the Balearics is one of the main driving forces of the tourist industry in Spain and that its visitors are coming from an increasing number of foreign countries. Ibiza, he said has attracted a sophisticated class of tourist from around the globe wanting a glamorous holiday destination. As a result, hotel rooms on the island went up by 8% on average during the first half of the year, but the increase did not prevent average prices in the Balearics as a whole going down.