THE President of the Balearic Islands, Francesc Antich, opened an exhibition on the Majorcan mediaeval philosopher, Ramon Llull, at the Senate buildings in Madrid yesterday.

The event, said Antich in a speech partly given in Catalan, aims to promote the rich cultural diversity of the Islands nationally and internationally, and to encourage people to take a closer look at the figure of the philosopher, theologian, poet and lay brother.

Antich praised the dedication shown by the President of the Senate, Javier Rojo in converting Central Government buildings into a site where the regions of the country can exhibit their heritage.

Antich said that it was important that the prestige of Llull (1232-1316) be associated with the Balearic Islands and noted that his history is very well known and continually studied in Germany and Italy, but less so in Spain.

The Balearic President said that the exhibition, which consists of work by 66 artists extolling the virtues of Llull's intellect, gives due credit to the inspirational and pioneering spirit of the Majorcan philiosopher.

Antich pointed out that the event has already shown in Berlin and Moscow and is soon to go to Greece.
Javier Rojo said that it was not necessary to share Llull's religious conviction or his academic theses to enjoy the exhibition.