THE United Left/Greens want the current law governing golf courses, which was approved in 1988, repealed, alleging that it is “obsolete and an anachronism.” The coalition has presented a draft bill to this effect, which is due to be debated in Parliament next Tuesday.
Spokesman Miquel Rosselló pointed out that when the law was approved, the purpose was to use the installations of golf courses as a means of building hotel accommodation for tourists. But, he added, “nowadays, this does not correspond to reality.” There are currently 18 golf courses in the planning stage, 11 under construction and four waiting for permits, according to Roselló, who added that this was “more than in the whole of Catalonia.” He added that the number of golf courses was out of proportion and no longer fitted in with the needs of the island's tourist market.
He claimed that the Partido Popular insisted on maintaining the existing law on golf courses because it continued to be “obsessed with the same absurd model of expansion” that it has always had. Rossello pointed out that responsibility for golf courses has now been transferred to Island Councils, and so he called on the Council of Majorca to draw up a master plan for golf courses, such as the one which currently exists in Minorca. But, he said, because the existing law is so permissive, the Council would not be able to refuse permission for a new golf course, hence the need for it to be repealed.