THE Association of British Travel Agents, ABTA, fears that the increase in Air Passenger Duty from 1 November may lead to many hard pressed airlines to reconsider their routes out of regional airports as well as raise the cost of holidays for families and others on tight budgets.

Already airlines have axed some routes citing APD rises as one of the factors in their decision. The tax is due to go up again next month causing even more damage. ABTA is urging people to voice their opposition to these increases by signing up to an anti APD 10 Downing Street e-petition which can be accessed at

Mark Tanzer ABTA Chief Executive said “Regional airports are very vulnerable to the negative effect of the Government's planned APD increases. “We urge the Government to rethink these increases as they will place even more pressure on parts of the country already struggling with the worst recession in living memory” The government is now backtracking on claims that APD is a green tax as already the two billion pounds raised each year is much greater than the cost of environmental damage caused by flying.