NATURALIST Sir David Attenborough and architect Lord Norman Foster were amongst the select group of individuals honoured by the Prince of Asturias, Crown Prince Felipe for their work yesterday.

The two British prizewinners, known globally and outstanding in their fields, received their awards in Oviedo yesterday evening.
Lord Foster in particular has strong links with Spain, having designed metro stations in Bilbao, Torre Collserolla in Barcelona and Torre Caja Madrid, one of the landmark ‘four towers' in Madrid and, in recognition of his work was awarded the Arts Prize.

Attenborough was presented the Social Sciences prize for his “great contributions to the defense of life and conservation of our planet.” The Prince of Asturias foundation said Attenborough's talents “allowed him to approach the study of the earth and living creatures with a creative and innovative combination of skills.” “I am greatly honored,” Attenborough said in a statement. “It is an inspiring recognition that protection of the natural world, which I have spent so much of my life documenting, should be the concern of all humanity.” Giles Paxman, British Ambassador to Spain, said yesterday: “I heartily congratulate Lord Foster and Sir David Attenborough, as well as of course the other prizewinners, on being given this prestigious award. Both Lord Foster and Sir David are well known figures in the UK. “I am delighted to see that their outstanding work is being recognised here in Spain.