THE next local elections, open to citizens of the European Union (EU) resident in Spain who have expressed their intention to vote in these elections is 27 May 2007. The British Embassy in Madrid has published the following recommendations regarding voting rights.
l 1. You should register your details in the municipal census of your usual place of residence, if you have not already done so.
l 2. If you receive the notification from the Electoral Roll Office, please reply as soon as possible.
l 3. If you have not previously expressed your intention to vote in the municipal elections and, by the end of October 2006, you have not received the notification in question, please consult your Town Hall or the Provincial Branch of the Electoral Roll Office in your province. (Tel. 901.101.900).
The Electoral Roll is based on municipal censuses.
All individuals are obliged to register their details in the municipal census of their usual place of residence.
In addition, in order to vote in the municipal elections, nonSpanish EU citizens must express their wish to exercise this right in Spain.
In order to facilitate this procedure, with a view to the municipal elections in May 2007, the Electoral Roll Office sent a notification in September 2006 with a reply card so that individuals may confirm whether or not they wish to vote in the municipal elections.
The voter must sign and return the card to the Provincial Branch of the Electoral Roll Office in his/her province, using the accompanying freepost envelope.
These forms are also available in town halls so that individuals who register with the municipal census may at the same time express their wish to vote.
EU citizens who were entitled to vote in the municipal elections in 2003 and are still registered in the municipal census remain on the Electoral Roll and do not need to reconfirm their wish to vote.
Those who reply affirmatively, together with those who are already entered on the Electoral Roll, will appear in the electoral lists and will be entitled to exercise their voting rights in Spain.
Further information: Susana López Penedo, Deputy Head Press & Public Affairs, British Embassy, Madrid. Tel. 91 700 83 02 / 639 207 597
Voting rights of British citizens resident in Spain
31/10/2013 00:00
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