AN estimated 50'000 people are expected to visit the Palma cemeteries today, to leave flowers on the graves of the dead, according to council sources.
Since Sunday, there has been a steady stream of visitors to the cemeteries, with people leaving flowers and cleaning up tombs and niches, but today, the feast of All Saints and a bank holiday, is the climax. Council sources said the number of visitors is expected to be around 5'000 more than usual because the weather is unseasonally fine. In the past, the day has often been marred by rain. Mayor of Palma Catalina Cirer, accompanied by Marina Sans, director of the Municipal Funeral Parlour, and representatives of all the political parties represented on the council will visit the cemeteries today. They will visit the cemetery of Sant Jordi at 9.30am, and will lay a wreath, and at 10.30am they will visit the cemetery at La Vileta.
The Mayor will lay wreaths in Palma's main cemetery at 11.15am, at the main door in honour of deceased civil servants, outside in honour of those who died for freedom, at the firemen's pantheon, and at the old and new common graves. An ecumenical service of prayers for the dead will be held at 12.30 and the Mayor's visit will end at Son Valenti at about 1.15pm.
The Polish community will hold an All Saints service in the church of Santa Cruz at 5.30pm.
There will be a free bus service between Plaza Sant Antoni and the Ono Stadium (Son Moix) and the Council of Majorca will open the car parks in the buildings of the Llar de la Infancia (General Riera 113), Llar de la Juventud (General Riera 111) and the Polideportivo San Ferran from 8.30am to 9.30pm. Extra police will be on traffic duty near the cemeteries.
The Rambla is a riot of colour, as this is the main sales season, when they sell even more flowers (around ten per cent of their annual turn over) than on Mother's day and Valentine's Day. Majorcans spend between 20 and 50 euros on flowers for All Saints, and while the prices are much higher than at other times of the year, the florists say that they are the same as they were on All Saints last year. The favourites are carnations, roses, gladioli, lillies and chrysanthemums.
An estimated 50´000 people will visit Palma cemeteries today
06/11/2013 00:00
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