HOLIDAY reps who worked in Majorca during the winter of 1972 may hold the key to a murder mystery which rocked the island 36 years ago.
Welsh tourist Walter Pearson was mysteriously killed during a four-day break at Palmanova's Hotel Honolulu in December 1972. Mr Pearson's brother Don is desperately attempting to piece together the circumstances surrounding his brother's murder so he can pay his final respects and lay a tribute where the body was discovered. Walter was stabbed three times in the chest and was thrown from or fell from a balcony on the hotel's top floor.

Now, former Thomson holiday rep Jackie Evans says she may be able to help Mr Peason's quest for the truth surrounding the case. She said she may know the identity of Thomson staff working at the hotel and may also be able to locate executives who managed the tour firm's operations at the time. She said she also knows where the former head receptionist of the hotel is now working and claims that Thomson should still have details.