PALMA EBERHARD Grosske, Socialist Coalition Councillor for Citizen Activities at Palma City Hall, said that as of this year, the route of the Three Kings Parade through the capital will change its route.

Intentions to alter course to allow the cavalcade of riders and their lengthy entourage to be seen by a wider section of spectators, and to avoid bottlenecks in the narrow streets of the historic centre of the capital were first announced at the beginning of this month. The proposal, which includes avoiding Plaza Cort, had met with significant opposition from traders in the centre of the town who lobbied the Council to keep the route as it had always been. The issue which won the day for a new route was that the Citizen Safety Committee had said that the crowd pressure in the narrow streets could become a risk both to participants and onlookers but above all to children who wanted to get as close as possible to the riders and floats. Neighbourhood associations also supported the move.