Palma.—The Council of Majorca, lumbered with huge debts left behind by the former Socialist-led coalition government, has announced that it will have a budget of 345 million euros for 2012, 20 percent less than the previous budget. The President of the Council of Majorca, Maria Salom, was forced to admit that the 20 percent reduction means that all departments will be receiving less funding next year.

However, she said that the only area which will not be affected is social services.
Salom said that her team has worked hard to draw up “a realistic, sensible and austere” budget under the difficult financial circumstances they have found themselves in since taking office.

The Council of Majorca is also going to be receiving less state funding for roads, for which the Council is responsible.
This year, the Council of Majorca received 63 million euros for roads, next year, Madrid has committed itself to just 49 million euros.
Salom did not shy away from admitting that 2012 will be a tough year but she expressed her confidence in the Council being able to honour its obligations.