THE law is equal for all, said King Juan Carlos in his festive speech two years when it was announced that his son-in-law would be questioned by a Palma judge investigating claims that he allegedly embezzled money through his Noos sports foundation. Now, the investigation has been extended to his daughter the Infanta Cristina, who will be questioned  by a Palma judge next month, over claims of  alleged tax fraud and money laundering. But the law will be different because it appears very likely that the Infanta Cristina will not have to use the “walk  of shame.” Now, the so-called “walk of shame” is at the back entrance to the law courts. Suspects have to walk down this 50 metre road which leads to the entrance to the courts in full view of the media. The Infanta´s husband, Iñaki Urdangarin, has used the walk of shame twice but his wife will be allowed to use an official car which will deposit her at the steps of the court-house. I think this is  rather unfair because the King´s daughter is getting preferential treatment. Now, obviously there is the question of security but Isuspect that the police will be placing a ring of steel around the court-house. The judge who will be questioning the Infanta has also publicly reprimanded her lawyers. They said in a statement over the weekend the King´s daughter would “voluntarily” go to the hearing next month. But the judge hit back saying there was nothing “voluntary”about the whole affair. She had been summoned to attend. This trial is certainly going to be controversial and expect further disputes and rows.