EVERYONE agrees that the Infanta Cristina, the King´s youngest daughter, is doing the right thing and going before a Palma judge to explain in her alleged role in tax fraud. Granted she probably didn´t have much option, as Judge Jose Castro pointed out when he said that she had been summoned and it was not a voluntary hearing,  but at the end of the day everyone agrees, that it is the right thing to do. Obviously it is a deliquate issue especially as it is the first time that a Spanish royal has been questioned by a judge. But then Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy wades into the debate saying that the “Princess is innocent and he is sure that the matter will be resolved.” Now, Rajoy is no judge at the end of the day he should have measured his words. “I am convinced she is innocent,” would be a better sentenced. So unless Sr. Rajoy has a crystal ball he is in the same position as the rest of Spain. It will be the  judiciary who will decide and no-one else. So really Rajoy would be better staying silent on this issue.