IF Scotland votes to leave the United Kingdom, it will be a shame but it is their decision. Scotland is a proud nation and some believe that it can stand on its own feet. Fine. But if you walk away from the United Kingdom you can´t expect to keep the pound sterling because afterall it is supported by the Bank of England. Iam sure that Scotland´s pro-breakaway First Minister Alex Salmond wouldn´t like to be reminded that financially Scotland was still tied to the rest of the United Kingdom. If Scotland wants to go it alone then it must have its own currency. Scotland already has its own bank notes and now it just needs a Central Bank to back it all up. I am beginning to believe that the SNPhas not really thought through its plan for independence. The people of Scotland deserve better. If you plan a breakaway then you should do the necessary planning first. At the moment an independent Scotland wouldn´t have the pound, it would have to wait years to join the European Union and the euro and would not have the support of the sixth biggest economy in the world. Come on Mr. Salmond, is your heart ruling your head? Have you really thought this through? Before you start telling Scots that a breakaway would be a good idea then you must offer them a decent plan on how the country would survive on its own. You can´t cherry pick the best of the United Kingdom and then want a breakaway. Give the people of Scotland a viable plan first and then let them decide, Salmond.
No way!
13/02/2014 00:00
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