WHEN I talked yesterday with the President of the Majorca Tourist Board, Eduardo Gamero, I was reminded of the fact that it wasn´t too long ago that the Tourist Board had their own programme of events for Winter Tourists. It was called “Winter in Majorca” and consisted of concerts and other events and proved hugely successful. It just shows you how much has changed in the space of a decade. We have gone from having cultural events especially aimed at Winter tourists to a handful of flights and a small number of Winter tourists. But Gamero, who is a highly respected member of the Majorcan tourist industry, would like nothing better than to see the return of the Winter in Majorca programme. Infact, as you will read in today´s newspaper Gamero is exceptionally concerned over the lack of flights during the low season and is calling for an urgent meeting of the tourist industry. Now, Ifeel that the Majorcan Tourist Board can perform this task very well. They can bring the industry together with the local authorities and hopefully secure a deal which will ensure that tourists can come to Majorca during the Winter months. The local authorities want to encourage Winter tourist but have no funds. The airlines want financial support. But the Tourist Board can hopefully bring them together and secure a compromise deal either in the form of lower landing fees or even joint promotional campaigns.