MUCH is talked about community spirit and how in Britain these days it is sadly lacking. But we are lucky in Majorca that it is alive and well and this beautiful island helps bring people together. I have been amazed this week how people are willing to work together for a common goal. Our campaign for more winter flights has certainly brought people together and it was lovely to see it. One lady on our facebook site who lives in Scotland said that she had forwarded our campaign to two British airlines. Another facebook user asked if she could send the campaign to a further two airlines and she is duely agreed. The hundreds of people who backed the campain also have many ideas and suggestions which would be helpful at the forthcoming meeting on the subject of winter flights which will take place at the Majorcan Tourist Board. One facebook reader said “it seems incredible it’s taken a bunch of ex- pats to stir the tourist authorities into action, isn’t that their job? Unbelievable!” But this is the lovely thing about Majorca. It has a big place in people´s hearts and people want to get here. If there are more winter flights next winter, which I sincerely hope there will be, it won´t be a victory for the British expatriate community, it will be a victory for all the people who love this island and who want to enjoy it at different times of the year. So fingers crossed at let us hope that our community spirit will win through.
Community spirit
08/03/2014 00:00
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