Palma.— Opposition parties were said to have been disappointed with the decision, claiming that the cleanliness of Playa de Palma has been a major letdown since Partido Popular was elected.

"Even though the tourist season has already started the situation remains shameful," Jose Hila, member of the Socialist Party said.

"Those walking along Playa de Palma in the morning can clearly see that the beach is dirty everywhere.

"The sand, the seashore and the nearby roads.

"No matter how much Mateo Isern (Mayor of Palma) insists that Palma is a cleaner city, the image of some of our neighbourhoods and of Playa de Palma tell a different story.

"Cleaners used to work in those areas on a daily basis, now they go there twice a week and the result is there for everyone to see," Hila added.

Members of the Socialist Party explained they had the opportunity to verify the poor state of Playa de Palma at first hand on several occasions and were extremely disappointed with what they saw.

"This issue has been a problem for the council since the beginning."

"Evidence is clear and Isern’s councillors can not deny the obvious," Hila said adding that last year several local politicians pointed out the fact "obvious" fines worth over 1000 euros were not issued simply because of a lack of police presence.