James Blunt, rumoured to be getting married in Majorca this summer.


By Francisco Cortez

A host of British celebrities who either live or holiday in Ibiza launched selfie campaign last year to stop oil prospecting off the island, now the Germans have launched their own campaign.

Palma.—Nearly 200,000 Germans have signed a petition against the highly controversial plans to carry out oil and gas prospecting in Balearic waters.
Representatives of the German environmental group OceanCare and the online activist site Avaaz handed the petition to Spain’s environment ministry on Monday.
The petition signed by 180,610 European Union citizens calls on the ministry to “stop the imminent petrol prospecting off the Balearic coast”.
OceanCare argues the noise created by the drilling is “so extreme that it poses a mortal threat to whales, dolphins and other marine species in the region”.
The drilling - which produces 10 to 15 second bursts of intense noise - is also a risk to the all-important tourism industry of the islands including Majorca and Ibiza, Avaaz said.  “Using compressed air cannons to look for oil in Ibiza and Majorca is like playing Russian roulette with natural and economic resources”,       said Avaaz campaign coordinator Christoph Schott on Monday.