Keep covered up when away from the beach in Palma. | ESTEVE FRANQUESA


London.—British nationals risk getting caught out by local laws and customs when travelling overseas, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office warned yesterday.
While 70% of people believe that researching local laws and customs would make their holiday more enjoyable, less than half would actually make this part of their preparations when visiting somewhere new, FCO research shows.
For those visiting places they had been to before, just 40% said they would do this research, despite the fact that local legislation and even local customs can change at any time.
Two British tourists were arrested for swimming in the Emperor’s moat at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo last year.
“This might sound like a bit of harmless fun, but their actions were the equivalent of attempting to break into Buckingham Palace – and being arrested in Japan for even a minor offence can mean remaining in custody for 23 days while awaiting an investigation,” the FCO said.