Winter flights

Dear Sir, You think you have got problems with winter connections to the UK!  It seems that poor Minorca is due to be cut off completely!!  Monarch has been our lifeline for years...we used to have two flights a week in the winter. It then went down to just one. Now, looking at their website, it looks as if “they have pulled the plug” completely....leaving us with NO direct flights for 3 months to or from any UK airport.
This is a disaster on many levels.  Apart from the obvious inconvenience, we, like you, are desperately trying to EXTEND the season.  Without flights...well, forget it!  And who from the UK will again buy a property or invest in a business if they cannot reach the island for a quarter of the year without inconvenience.
It would be helpful if the inter-island flights Palma/Mahon could at least be timed to link with the ex-UK flights tp Palma..... But normally there is a wait for many hours.
Please put in a  word for your “little sister” island!  With regards.

Lorraine Ure, Es Castell