By Francisco Cortez

The new “Good Citizens Behaviour Law” is now in full force in Palma, after a two month information and awareness campaign period.

Palma.—Local police officers have over the past 60 days distributed over 5,000 informative leaflets and  put up 400 posters in busy areas of the city such as Son Dameto and Coll d’en Rabassa parks and Pere Garau  and Sant Antoni squares, to warn citizens that certain types of behaviour will no longer be tolerated.
That awareness campaign is now over and police officers will now crack down and fine anyone who fails to respect the new laws.
Police are paying special attention to pet owners, to ensure that they don’t leave their dog’s excrements on the pavement and that their pets wear the necessary safety equipment (mouth guards and leash) if considered potentially dangerous.
In two weeks time, when the new school term is due to begin, their attention will shift towards incidents near local schools. A week later  “graffiti”  artists will be under the spotlight. Anyone caught cycling on the pavements could now also incur fines.