Palma.— 24-year-old Nigerian man  was  admitted to Son Espases Hospital  late on Thursday night   over fears that he had been  infected with the highly contagious Ebola virus, but the medical director of Son Espases Hospital, Daniel Ginard, said yesterday afternoon that the patient has more likely got malaria and that is what they are treating him for.
The  suspected Ebola carrier had apparently flown to the island  in the past three weeks from the Nigerian capital of Lagos.
Displaying Ebola symptoms such as muscle pain and high temperatures on admission to hospital, he  is  being kept in isolation in a secure unit equipped with the necessary means to deal with infectious diseases.
Meanwhile, just to be safe his blood  samples have been sent to Madrid laboratories where scientists will be able to determine if the  24-year-old man  is  indeed infected with the potentially deadly virus.
The medical team handling the case at Son Espases said that, when he was admitted at 10pm, the patient was showing signs of possible Ebola and that doctors did not want to take any chances.