THE Conservative Party needs as many friends as it can find at the moment but it has found an unlikely ally in Spain. Not only is the government of Mariano Rajoy firmly on the side of the “No” campaign in the Scottish referendum Rajoy´s Partido Popular in Madrid even unveiled a square named after Margaret Thatcher in Madrid yesterday. Now I can understand why the Spanish government would oppose Scottish independence because obviously it could further stoke the fires of independence in Catalonia. Spain has been quick to say that an independent Scotland may not be able to join the EU especially if it maintains sterling. But why would Spain name a square after the “Iron Lady” in Madrid? Now, the Mayor of Madrid is Ana Botella, the wife of former Spanish Prime Minister, Jose Maria Aznar. She must obviously be a big fan of Thatcher. Relations between Spain and Britain were not great during Thatcher´s  term of office. The border with Gibraltar was reopened but also there was the infamous shooting on the Rock of three “IRAterrorists” who were allegedly ploting a bomb attack on British soldiers in Gibraltar. During the Falklands war, Spain was firmly on the Argentine side and even provided the Argentine air force with details on the Sea Harrier. But it appears that senior members of the Partido Popular believe that Thatcher needs a special place in Madrid. The Iron Lady will always be remembered in Britain and Madrid as well.