YESTERDAY we asked our Facebook readers to post their opinions and here is a selection:
Craig Beattie: I am Scottish and more than happy with the result I have spoken with some of my friends voting yes and they didn’t even realise that and independent Scotland wanted more immigrants it wasn’t till I mentioned it today that they knew!’ I’m very surprised Braveheart wasn’t played on Wednesday night.

Allison Corbett: Disgusted and ashamed that a country would vote against its own independence.

Trudy Salandiak: Good decision because the best compromise was reached offering more power and responsibility without the significant risk full independence would have brought. Unfortunately it still leaves the country chewing on itself as heart fights head in a divided nation.

Karl Robinson: First time a country has ever been given the chance andturned down it’s independence. I don’t buy it. What a sham.

Jason Wilkinson: Why be ashamed?
 The majority of people voted to stay and be part of the union? 5 million people don’t get to call the shots that’s down to the whole 65million! That’s the way it is and will always be.

DavidnCarol Evans: Comment is common sense prevailed.

John Wardle:  The SNP whiners did not appear deflated to me on TV today, far from it, they have felt the power of becoming TV personalities, expect more of the same until the next elections.

Judy Shrimpton: Half of Scottish people wanted to turn their back on the rest of us. Do you think for one minute the rest of us are going to forget that in a hurry? I don’t think so. It’s going to be very interesting where UKIP go from here.

Kevin Jones : The concessions that have been given will create descent amongst the rest of the U.K. Especially the poorer areas. Another mess up by Cameron and his Lapdogs.