I am so pleased, judging by the first episode of Gordon Ramsay´s Kitchen Nightmares (Channel 4 Tuesday), that the producers of the programme were unable to find a restaurant in Majorca. I found the first episode screened on Tuesday night rather sad and depressing. Firstly, I know Ramsay is famous for using the F-word and it has even become his trademark but I don´t really think he needs to use it twice in every sentence. Secondly, his help for this struggling restaurant on the Costa del Sol was to transform it into a fried chicken restaurant. Whatever happened to using fresh local produce and cooking local cuisine? Ramsay walked up the promenade and saw that all rival restaurants were serving “British food” so he decided that the restaurant he should be saving should continue to do the same but with more emphasis on chicken. Whatever happened to paella, Gordon? What about trying to give visiting tourists a taste of Spain? I am sure that some would have certainly enjoyed it. There are plenty of restaurant owners in Spain, who need help but perhaps it is not the help that Ramsay can provide. I am in some ways glad to see that this will be his last series of Kitchen Nightmares. I feel that the programme has run its course and even Ramsay is looking rather  bored. Thankfully in Majorca we have a wide range of restaurants catering for all tastes from Spanish to British. I am sure that visiting tourists want more than just fried chicken!