Palma.— Balearic consumers can save on average 929 euros per year if they plan their shopping lists right.
A report revealed yesterday by  the  consumer organisation (OCU) showed that buying in different supermarkets in the region could mean saving up to 19 percent more every year.
In other communities in Spain that difference is less evident.
The main supermarket chains have lowered their prices this  year by an  average of 2.1 percent on a variety of products, despite a slight increase in  white labeled products.

The only road to recovery
A spokeswoman for OCU, Iliana Izverniceanu, explained that the drop  in prices is a direct repercussion of the recession.
“We (Spain) are still in a delicate position with the crisis, and supermarkets have realised that they have no option but to lower their prices if they want to recover the market figures they have lost over the last few years.
“On the other hand the increase in price of white label products is a concern.
“Many families with little spending power and in a difficult position relied on those products to survive,”  Izverniceanu added.
Nonetheless the study conducted by the organisation showed that supermarket chains Alcampo, Mercadona, El Corte Inglés and Eroski have also lowered the prices of  white label products.