Palma.—Twenty five schools across the Balearics have abandoned the Balearic government´s three language teaching plan in a further blow to Balearic President, Jose Ramon Bauza.
The move comes after the Balearic High Court ruled that the plan, which involves teaching in English, Spanish and Catalan, is not fit for purpose. Teachers, who have been campaigning against the ambitious teaching programme, welcomed the move. Other schools in the islands are also expected to abandon the plan and return to a  teaching programme which has more emphasis on Catalan.
Not only did the Balearic High Court rule that it was not fit for purpose it also said that the Balearics couldn´t continue with the plan    despite an appeal lodged by the Balearic government. The teaching programme was one of  the star proposals of the Balearic government and its demise will be a major blow especially for the credibility of Balearic President Jose Ramon Bauza who is standing for reelection next year. Bauza had claimed that they would continue to push ahead with the teaching plan despite the court ruling. The leader of the Spanish Socialist Party in the Balearics Francina Amengol slammed the move claiming that Bauza was acting illegally.