THE Cine Cuitat cinema complex will be launching a drive in the New Year to try and attract more English-speaking cinema goers and are promising more big name films and even theatre productions.
“The so-called expatriate market is very important to us. At the moment about 25 percent of our audiences are British or English speaking. We would like to increase this figure and in the New Year we will be launching a major campaign,” a spokesperson said yesterday.
“We know that if we get the big movies in English the audiences will come therefore one of our tasks is to ensure that we are showing the latest films in English, when possible.”
Obviously Cine Cuitat has a limited budget and relies on the support of its members for its survival but they believe that the English-speaking market is key.
“We would like to see a return of the numbers of people who would come here when the cinema was the old Renoir,” he added.
Cine Cuitat rose from the ashes of the Renoir which was closed by its mainland owners. The Renoir, as a result of its national chain status, did have access to  the big movies which proved popular with the English speaking cinema goers.
The latest idea from Cine Cuitat is to screen theatre productions in English with Spanish subtitles from the National Theatre in Britain. These productions will be shown every Thursday during the winter, with a different production every month.