The all-inclusive debate kicks off again
While the winter flights debate from the previous week continued through the letters’ pages, the emphasis shifted towards another of the hardy perennials of tourism woes - all-inclusives - and the context of this latest round of discussion was the Greek election, the victory of Syriza and what it has in mind for all-inclusives.
On Thursday, Andrew Ede considered the declared intention of Syriza to put a halt to new, large-scale all-inclusive resorts and to seek ways of reducing the number of AI packages for the hotels that already offer them, noting that such moves might well harm investment in a country which badly needs it. He also looked at how political organisation and the relationship between central government and the regions in Greece differs to that of Spain.
In Greece, central government command for matters related to tourism is easier to enforce than in Spain, where the regions have significant powers to decide for themselves what tourism policy should be; in Greece they do not. Moreover, given the current nature of Spain’s politics, with the Partido Popular in control, any similar moves on all-inclusives to those that Syriza wishes for Greece would be most unlikely.
On Friday, the story made the front page and there were the views of Antonio Gonzalez, the president of the Association of Majorcan Tourist Attractions, who applauded what the Greeks intend to do and insisted that “the (regional) government has got to introduce serious regulations for the all-inclusive sector”.
(Sr Gonzalez, it might be noted, has been making such calls since he became president of the association and gave it a very much stronger voice than it had previously had.)
In the Viewpoint, Jason Moore also applauded the Greek move, advising that there should be a “curb” on all-inclusives in order to “save the bar trade”.
There was, understandably, a great deal of support for all-inclusives to be restricted in Majorca among followers of our Facebook page and these were summarised in yesterday’s paper.
(What perhaps was being overlooked was that the actions of the Greek government will make tour operators look elsewhere and that Majorca will benefit because of its all-inclusive hotels.)
Seven Days
01/02/2015 00:00
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