After a year marked by bitter disagreements and protests between Balearic orchestra musicians, and the three entities that oversee it, hope was restored yesterday with the official presentation of “Associacio Amics”, a newly formed association set to change the future of the group.
Palma.—The association, composed by 20 members including council members, consuls and businessmen and women and described by its Honorary President, Josef Egger as more of a “smaller committee”, is set to take responsibility for the promotion and publicity of the orchestra from now on.
“The orchestra has many fans and people interested in helping it. What we did was to gather 20 people that can work together from now on and decide what’s best for the group, as opposed to before, when there were too many people involved and far too many disagreements.
“We need to start working together and pull in the same direction,” Egger said.”
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