Samuel Thompson with his prize, a Juli Ramis drawing. | Jason Moore


Palma.—On Thursday night, Agora Portals held the award ceremony for the winners of its IV Rafael Nadal literature and music competition.
Headmaster Rafael Barea said in his welcoming speech that he wished he could have written as well as the students do now when he was there age before writer Agustin Fernandez Mallo opened the gala which began by the performance of the Londonderry Suite by the college orchestra.
In the audience were winners, finalists and parents and Maria Estarellas won first prize in the English narrative category.
Elena Pastor won the Spanish poetry award.
Carina Thompson’s poem And it seems ironic how empty you are won the English poetry prize while Paula Cabot with Asesino, won the Spanish narrative award.
Finally, Maria Borges, with VALL, l’home que no estimava and Sergio Quirogo, with Tots som culpables, won the Catalan narrative and poetry awards.
All six of the winners were presented with tablets.