The forecast proved correct yesterday.
Highs of around 36ºC were predicted in Majorca and in Capdepera, the maximum reached 36.5ºC.
In Escorca the temperature soared to 36ºC, Sa Pobla 35.4ºC and Porreres 33.8ºC while in Palma it remained a comfortable 27.9ºC.
And, the high temperatures have made this first two weeks of May, the hottest beginning to the month since record began, according to the Met. office.
“The first ten days to this month have been the warmest for May on record,” spokesperson for the Balearic Met. office, Bernat Armengual said yesterday.
The normal average maximum temperatures for this time of year is 22ºC, so temperatures are currently around 10ºC above the norm.
“Summer has certainly come early,” Armengual added.