Age Concern opens the sky up to Elena Davis

Elena receives her helicopter "surprise".


Tuesday was the date of Elena Davis’s second 100th birthday celebration party in Bar Turismo in the heart of Soller, a location very close to the heart of Elena.

This is where Elena started up her lending library all those years ago and got to know the English speaking community as well as the local Majorcans.

The party was geared to the locals palate, and cava and tasty tapas were offered to Elena’s invited guests.

Friends drifted in and out and Elena was the true hostess with the mostest attending to everyone.

The climax of the occasion arose when Age Concern Mallorca’s President Jackie Codd requested a moment of silence and presented Elena, who had given strict instructions to everyone that she did not want any present, with a present of a sightseeing tour of Majorca, courtesy of Jonny Greenall, Chief Pilot of Balearic Helicopters.

Elena’s face was a picture. She said "I have never been up in a helicopter".

She went on to tell us a story that back in the 1920s she had been taken flying with her mother and that, as the weather conditions were ideal, the pilot asked her if she would like to take the helm.

You can imagine what her reply was; of course it was a big YES.

Elena duly took over the joystick and the pedals and was allowed to pilot the plane for five minutes or so. However, she did say that the pilot would not let her land it! She said "My dream was to become a pilot", but due to the strict health controls I was rejected, much to my dismay.

So I think we can all just picture Elena in the front seat having a great time up in the sky.

So watch this space for the next instalment.

On behalf of us all THANK YOU ELENA for all that you have contributed to Majorca, Soller Valley and not forgetting Fornalutx, and for all your years volunteering for Age Concern and to everyone who has had the honour to have known you and to meet you.

Enjoy your flight.