
Bishop of Majorca backs Pope’s call to help refugees


The Bishop of Majorca, Javier Salinas, is following the call of Pope Francis in instructing the church’s charitable wing, Caritas, to organise accommodation for Syrian refugees in each of Majorca’s parishes.

The pope has requested that each European parish should accommodate one family of refugees.

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One of the first tasks in this regard will be for senior representatives of the Majorca Diocese to assess what properties and capacity are available.

This task, which could ultimately be framed within a nationwide operation coordinated by the Spanish Episcopal Conference, will be piloted by Caritas and its director, Margalida Riutort. The charity specialises in social assistance to those in most need.

There are 136 parishes in Majorca, 41 of which are in Palma. This number does not take account, however, of convents and other religious centres over which the bishop does not have direct jurisdiction but which could also offer to accept refugees in line with the pope’s request.